Education Moore Exotics


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

nova scotia duck tolling retriever

A medium-sized sports dog from Canada with golden-red fur, floppy ears, an athletic build, and a waterproof double coat is known as the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. These happy dogs, originally known as Little River Duck Dogs, adore their people just as much as they adore water and sport training. Although smaller in size, they resemble Golden Retrievers in appearance and have personalities all their own. It all depends on what you’re looking for in a family dog and what kind of lifestyle you can give these feisty fur balls as to whether their personality brings joy or worry into your life.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Active dogs like Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers thrive in homes with owners who can meet their needs for exercise. Although they are a little more resistant to training than other common retrievers, their drive to please can aid in teaching them desired behaviors at home. Little more than ordinary brushing and care is needed to groom a Toller, although owners should be aware that these long-haired dogs sweat heavily.

nova scotia duck tolling retriever


The Toller needs daily exercise to be at its best, just like other dogs do. This breed needs at least an hour of exercise each day to remain content and healthy. Although Tollers also like engaging in sports like agility training and flyball, the key is one or two lengthy walks or an enclosed backyard. An excellent method to improve your relationship with your dog and keep him entertained is to include lots of playtime. In the end, a Toller’s particular workout requirements rely on his or her personal tastes. After a lengthy walk, some Tollers are pleased to spend the majority of the day relaxing on the couch, but others need much more stimulation and action to be fulfilled.

Nutrition and Diet

Feed premium dog food twice daily to your Nova Scotia Duck Toller. For these energetic dogs, foods with a lean protein stated as the first component are preferable, whereas Tollers who exercise a lot every day may require more calorie-dense foods. 

Remember: Tollers respond well to positive reinforcement, so feel free to offer them lots of healthy food. However, keep an eye on your dog’s weight and cut back on goodies if they start to gain too much.

Provide for any dietary requirements, such as age-specific nutrients or food allergies. It’s advisable to discuss the types of food and amount levels that are good for your dog based on their age, weight, and level of exercise with your veterinarian.


A Nova Scotia Duck Toller requires similar maintenance to other retrievers. Due to the breed’s twice-yearly shedding, owners should anticipate increasing the frequency of brushing their dog during these times to reduce stray fur about the house. Brushing these dogs a few times a week over the remainder of the year should typically keep shedding under control. Bathe your Toller when his or her coat is muddy or following prolonged outdoor exercise sessions.

Like many dog breeds, the Toller requires regular brushing of its teeth, trimming of its nails, and cleaning of its ears. If dirt and debris accumulate inside the ears, clean them as needed with an ear cleaner safe for pets.


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