Education Moore Exotics


Nepenthes rajah


It is a carnivorous plant that is a member of the Nepenthaceae family of plants. inhabits Sabah, Borneo (Malaysia), Mount Kinabalu, and Mount Tambuyukon, which are situated between 1500 and 2650 metres above sea level. Due to this, when speaking of plants of its kind, it is regarded to be a mountainous or even subalpine species; nevertheless, this should not cause confusion because it does not tolerate frost.

It is distinguished by creating enormous traps that can reach heights and widths of up to 41 and 21 centimetres, respectively. These have an attractive crimson colour and are urn-shaped. They can hold more than 2.5 liters of digestive fluid and around 3.5 liters of water, so they can eat both insects and small mammals.


Growing Conditions

It is best to only utilize clean water, such as RO, distilled, or rainfall. Be cautious when using bottled water as some of it contains salt, which will cause your Tropical Pitcher plant to die.

Keep a little fresh water in every trap. Frequently mist plants.

Always keep the soil moist, but yet well-drained. Never allow your Nepenthes to sit in water.

Nepenthes prefer an area that gets some sun. On windowsills or in a terrarium with fluorescent lighting, they thrive.

Three parts of long fiber sphagnum and one part of either perlite or fine orchid bark make up the soil.

Nepenthes should receive foliar fertilization. A quarter teaspoon of Maxsea per gallon of water, two times each month.

Nepenthes prefer warm temperatures—above 50 degrees. 65 to 80 degrees with significant humidity are ideal.


nepenthes-rajah table

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