Education Moore Exotics


Neotropical Green Anole

neotropical green anole


Scientific name: Anolis biporcatus or   Anolis parvauritus 

Life span: 3-5 years

It’s frequently challenging to distinguish between different anole species because there are more than two dozen of them in Costa Rica alone. Thankfully, there is only one species of vivid green plant. This one was concealed by flowing palm leaves on the stem of a palm tree.

The term “neotropical green anole” refers to two different species of lizard:

  • Aloe biporcata
  • Anolis parvauritus

Native Region/Habitat

Anolis biporcatus is found in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Central America, and 

Anolis parvauritus, which can be found in Colombia and Ecuador.

Neotropical Green Anole


These anoles spend the night sleeping up in a tree.


neotropical green anole

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