Education Moore Exotics


Neon Tetra



1.5-2 inches.

Physical characteristics and appearance

It is a slim species that has become popular among fish tank keepers. Its sides are a neon-like blue-green stripe, while its back is a vivid shade of crimson. Even though they are often peaceful, when threatened, they may become aggressive toward other fish or smaller ones. Although they might go to the top and bottom if necessary, they prefer to forage in the middle. The bodies of neon tetras lack scales.


Neon tetras like murky, root-filled pools as their native home. A habitat needs lots of dark areas for animals to hide. The more plants, especially floating plants, the better.The temperature should be 20-26 C.

Keeping and Taking Care of Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra

Neon tetras are not particularly resilient fish, despite being so well-liked in the hobby. They are delicate to changes in water quality and temperature.

In the morning, check the color of fish. Bad indications include a pale body and a lateral line that is discolored. Person must pay more attention to the circumstance if the color isn’t as vibrant as it should be! Check tankmates, food, water parameters, and everything did prior to that (fertilization, introducing new plants or animals, etc.).

Keep an eye on fish, and remove any that have died as soon as possible to prevent tank contamination.

To reduce the amount of nitrates in the tank, make sure to perform water changes once a week.

  • Tank size 

Neon fish typically prefer to move in groups of six to ten or more. So, a tank that can hold roughly 10 gallons (40 litres) of water would be necessary. Such tiny tanks are better suited for newbie enthusiasts.

Additionally, the tank’s cover should fit snugly to prevent fish jumping out.

  • Water

The ideal strategy is to replicate their native environment in fish tank’s water conditions.

Neon tetra live in water that is between 68 and 82 °F (20 and 28 °C) in temperature. Studies revealed that this species’ water temperature tolerance has a lethal time 50 (LT50 – time until death) that is above 95 °F (35 °C) and below 59 °F (15 °C).

pH: Neon fish can thrive in water that is either slightly acidic or neutral. Between 6.5 and 7.5 is the optimal pH range.

Hardness: Neon tetras prefer gentle water over hard water (3 – 8 GH). They can eventually get used to harsher water, but they really don’t enjoy it.


neon tetra table

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