Education Moore Exotics


Musk Mallow

Musk Mallow


The plant has enormous, pink or yellow blooms with crimson centers that grow to a height of 0.6–1.8 meters. Along the hairy stems, the heart-shaped leaves are borne alternately. The fruits are papery, hairy capsules that measure around 3 inches in length. Malva moschata is a perennial plant native to Europe that has kidney-shaped base leaves, deeply cut upper leaves, and pink or white blooms. It is often referred to as “musk mallow.” Its black fruits are hairy.


The musk mallow, sometimes known as the musk-mallow, is a species of flowering plant in the Malvaceae family that is indigenous to Europe and southwestern Asia. It can be found from Spain in the north to Poland and the British Isles, and from southern Russia and Turkey in the east.


Musk mallow is grown for its seeds, which serve as substitutes for musk in perfumes and provide an essential oil used in traditional medicine and food flavoring. In addition, the plant produces a fiber that is used locally as vegetables, and its young leaves and fruits are used to clarify sugar.

Musk Mallow.

Plant Care

  • Soil

The substrate on which it grows doesn’t matter to the musk mallow. It is adaptable to most gardens and can endure both clay and sandy soils. Fertilizers are not necessary, nor does it always require rich organic soils. Although it can grow in neutral soil, most plants prefer a pH of 7.0 or higher.

  • Temperature

A wide variety of temperatures can support the growth of musk mallow, with bushier forms typically able to withstand higher temperatures. This plant is hardy; it can survive a winter with temperatures as low as -40 °C. Once established, certain varieties—like the Tree musk mallow—can withstand drought well and will re-emerge when the rains come back.

  • Water

Once established, musk mallow is a fairly drought-tolerant plant. Watering once a week is necessary only in the first year. You can then cut back on how often you water once every 10 to 14 days. Alternatively, if the rain doesn’t offer 2.5 cm of water per week, water an established musk mallow just during its growing and flowering periods. The more water you provide, the lusher the leaves will be.

  • Light

Generally, the musk mallow has to be in direct sunlight. It might grow well in some shade, but its blooms will suffer as a result. A shaded plant will yield fewer blossoms, so make sure it gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. You won’t need to stake your musk mallow if it receives adequate sunshine.

  • Fertilizer

A yearly fertilizer will substantially help the tough musk mallow. In late winter or early spring, fertilize using a high-quality, slow-release fertilizer. A balanced fertilizer with a 10:10:10 N:P:K ratio is a wise option. Thoroughly water after fertilizing. An organic plant food that is natural can be added as an alternative. You can also mix some organic compost into the soil when planting your musk mallow to enrich it and regulate drainage.


Musk Mallow table

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