Education Moore Exotics





The leaves on mugwort, a perennial plant, differ significantly in size throughout the plant. However, the shape usually stays the same, with five leaf extensions producing the appearance of a pointed arrowhead from each branch. The underside of leaves is covered in white-wooly hairs, giving them a silvery appearance, while the upper surface is smooth and dark green.


Native to regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe, mugwort is a perennial plant. These days, it grows around the world, especially in North America.


This fragrant plant, which has historically been cultivated for culinary and medicinal uses, can be attractive in a wild or meadow garden setting. It is well known to attract pollinators such as butterflies and bees. This fragrant herb is believed to encourage and improve dreams while you sleep. For millennia, people have utilized it as a flavoring component in cooking and distilling, as well as a bitter tonic for stomach issues. Additionally, the dried leaves contain antibacterial and antifungal qualities.


Plant Care

  • Light

Mugworts are best suited for a spot with direct daylight during the day. They can, however, also survive in some partial shade.

  • Soil

Mugwort can grow in a wide range of soil conditions, including those with high levels of nitrogen or alkalinity.

It thrives in dry, infertile areas but loves slightly damp, well-draining soils. In actuality, it can produce longer-lived and more scented specimens even though the plants won’t grow as tall.

  • Water

Overwatering this plant is not appreciated. Root rot is frequently the result of very damp soils. Watering helps young plants stay slightly damp in the soil, but if mugwort is well-established, it can withstand some drought.

  • Temperature and Humidity

It is well known that this species can endure a broad variety of temperatures. However, if you reside somewhere with intense summer heat and humidity, your leaves may start to droop and appear less vibrant. Additionally prone to flopping are the long, thick stems.


Mugwort table

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