Education Moore Exotics





12 inches

Physical characteristics and behavior

Most mudskippers can grow up to 30 cm in length and have a brownish-green color that ranges from dark to light (12 inches). The first thing you notice about their elongated bodies are the pectoral fins on either side. Like human legs, mudskipper fins allow an animal to move from one place to another while swimming.


Environment Water that is 22 degrees Celsius in temperature, has a pH of 7.6 to 8.2, and has a brackish general hardness of 10-15 parts per thousand is their ideal habitat (ppt).

Requirements to Keep as Pet


  • Fish Tank

Follow these recommendations for all three varieties of mudskipper tanks:

* Use an aquarium made entirely of glass or acrylic that won’t deteriorate from exposure to salt.

* Keep the water and air at a constant temperature of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The best heaters are submersible ones with a protection to prevent burning. Keep an eye on the water’s temperature using a thermometer.

* Provide enough land area so the fish can spend the most of its life there. A mudskipper rarely spends much time in the water.

* Provide the aquarium with a secure cover. I suggest using clear plastic or glass. Because they vent humidity, which is necessary for the mudskipper’s health, screen tops are not appropriate.

* Ascertain that the water is brackish and has a specific gravity (SG) of between 1.003 and 1.015. For further information, see the sidebar “Making Brackish Water.”

  • Tank mates

Mudskippers should be kept in a solitary environment due to their special needs. As long as the tank mates are not hostile, significantly larger or smaller, or require different water conditions, there are a few species that can coexist with mudskippers. Provide your fellow mudskipper tank mates with high-quality, sufficiently deep water. Additionally, make sure that all fish eat enough, which might be challenging to do. A few good tank mates are:

Mollies, first


Knight goby 

Archerfish (Archerfish are a more advanced hobbyist’s choice. These fish will directly compete with mudskippers for the same live meals.

  • Diet

Fruit flies, little worms, brine shrimp that are still alive, frozen fish food, and on occasion, a live baby cricket. Don’t be tempted to overfeed your mudskippers despite their begging.


Mudskipper table

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