Education Moore Exotics


Mountain Weasel



Scientific Name: Mustela altaica

The mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), often referred to as the pale weasel, Altai weasel, or solongoi, is a rodent that prefers to live in high-altitude regions, including rocky tundra and grassy woodland.

A small, active predator found in Asia’s high-altitude regions is the mountain weasel. Its winter coat consists mainly of a dark yellow with some brown, whereas its summer coat is primarily grey to gray-brown with some light yellow. The underbelly is light yellow to creamy white in both coats. The area of the head above the ears and muzzle is typically a darker gray-brown colour. The back may not be as rufous as the tail. Grey to gray-brown with some bright yellow makes up the summer fur. The vibrissae on the chin are grayish-brown, and the lips are white.


Mountain weasels can be found all the way from Mongolia, northeastern China, and southern Siberia to Kazakhstan, Tibet, and the Himalayas. However, Ladakh, India, is where they are most prevalent. Grassy forests, rocky tundra, and mountains are where they reside the most.



Mountain weasels primarily hunt at night, however they do so sometimes. They can swim, climb, and run in addition to being extremely quick and agile. These animals may emit loud chirping noises and a pungent fluid from their anal glands when threatened.

The social behavior of this species is unknown, however most members of the genus are generally solitary protect from mating and the prolonged socialization of littermates through the end of their first summer.


Weasels in the mountains are strict carnivores. The two main prey items on which they prey are pikas and voles, though they also consume muskrats, fish, ground squirrels, rabbits, small birds, frogs, lizards, and insects.



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