Education Moore Exotics


Moorish Idol



Maximum length is 9.1 inches.

Physical characteristics and behavior

These fish are frequently mistaken for butterflyfish because of their similar color and disk-shaped bodies. Contrasting black, white, and yellow bands are a typical element of Moorish idols. This fish has several long, bristle-like teeth and sharp, tubular snouts that end in tiny mouths. A Moorish idol’s dorsal fin is relatively small in comparison to the other fins because it is covered in spines that trail behind it in the form of a sickle. Reef inhabitants that are nocturnal develop a more muted color throughout the day. Like butterfly fish, they develop enduring relationships.


Only habitats with consistent water conditions are suitable for the Moorish Idol fish. These fish thrive in water that has a pH between 8.1 and 8.4 and a salinity between 32 ppt and 34 ppt when kept in a home aquarium.

Requirements When Keeping as Pet


  • Tank size

A tank of 100 gallons can be used to keep Zanclus cornutus. However, we advise a 100+ gallon tank in order to define suitable territory and lessen stress. For your fish, a tank with wood and rocks on it will enhance the aquarium’s natural setting.

  • Tank setup

For comfort, Moorish idols require a lot of rockwork. This is due to the fact that they are territorial fish and enjoy having several hiding spots among their rocks. Although not as much as other gobies, they too require sand. Be sure to offer them plenty to dig about when you introduce them to your tank since, like other gobies, they will burrow in it and construct nests out of it. Last but not least, Moorish idols require live rocks or coral rubble as a natural food source. When selecting the live rocks or coral rubble you employ for these small ones, you must use extreme caution. Since they might harm or even kill your Moorish Idol if accidentally eaten, you want something with a sparse growth of dull sponges and corals.

  • Tank Companions

A few fish species can be kept with the Moorish idol, although aggressive fish should not be kept with it. Cardinal tetras, pencilfish, silver dollars, small catfish, smaller gourami species, or even angelfish are some examples of compatible tank mates.

  • Diet

As an omnivore, Zanclus cornutus will consume a wide range of meaty meals, including fish and crustaceans. Algae and other types of plant matter are also food for them. Although Zanclus cornutus is known to directly consume human flesh as dead animal parts, their diet can also be supplemented with commercially prepared foods if necessary.

  • Water Conditions

These species need water that is consistent and stable. For these fish to thrive in an aquarium at home, conditions should have a pH of 8.1 to 8.4 and salinity of 32 to 34 ppt. To maintain those acceptable values and increase the likelihood of survival, it is important to regularly evaluate the following parameters: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, and alkalinity.

Feeding can frequently promote growth; in the absence of food, zooxanthellae, which produce nutrients through photosynthesis, can become depleted and cause famine. To provide it enough room to expand, the water flow around tank decorations or biotopes must be vigorous but not turbulent.


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