Education Moore Exotics


Monstera Standleyana


It is a member of the Araceae family of plants, sometimes known as aroids. Aroids create beautiful garden and interior plants.

The original plant features lustrous deep green leaves. It is also known as the Green Form or non-variegated by sellers. However, there are more charming and unusual Variegated Monstera standleyana types, such as albo (white variegated) and aurea (red variegated) (yellow). Whichever you choose, they will bring charm and beauty to your home while also helping to purify the air.




  • Monstera standleyana prefers bright, indirect light, but may tolerate medium indirect light as well. They will, however, develop slowly or have yellow leaves if the light is too low. They will also have longer vines with no or little leaves.


  • Monstera standleyana is a wet and humid tropical forest plant. It enjoys greater humidity levels of 60% to 80% or more. Fortunately, it won’t mind an average to somewhat lower humidity. The 40s and 50s are OK, but they will love more.


  • Monstera standleyana grows best at temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 to 29 degrees Celsius). They can, however, withstand temperatures as low as 55°F (12.8°C) and as high as 90°F (32°C).


  • Monstera standleyana requires well-drained soil that is rich in organic materials or fertile. Choose one that is a little acidic as well (pH 5 to 7.5).
  • This aroid is not fussy. Even soilless potting mixtures will work fine. Choose chunky, nutrient-rich soil that can hold moisture without becoming damp or drying up rapidly.


  • Monstera standleyana requires only moderate irrigation. It’s also a good idea to let the soil dry somewhat between sessions. These plants prefer moist soil that is neither too dry nor too wet.
  • When watering, soak the soil gently until some water drains through drainage holes. Remove anything that has accumulated on your saucer. Then, allow the top 1 to 2 inches of soil to dry before watering them again.
  • Sticking your finger into the potting mix to feel dry or damp is an easy method to identify if your plant is thirsty.


In the spring and summer, fertilize Monstera standleyana once a month with a balanced fertilizer for indoor plants. You can always dilute the fertilizer if you’re concerned about it being too much. You should fertilize your plant once a month in the summer. However, avoid fertilizing over the winter.


Monstera standleyana table

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