Education Moore Exotics


Monstera Deliciosa Brazilian

Monstera Deliciosa Brazilian

Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana, often known as ‘Monstera sierrana,’ is one of three varieties of Monstera deliciosa, the others being Monstera deliciosa var. borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa var. Brazil (Brazilian Common Form). var. sierrana, like Monstera deliciosa, has heart-shaped glossy green mature leaves with fenestrations (holes) and splits. 

Care Guidelines:

Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana has the same care and development requirements as a deliciosa. We will provide you with a brief overview.

Monstera Deliciosa-Brazilian

Care and development needs

Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana has the same care and development requirements as a deliciosa. We will provide you with a brief overview.


They prefer temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius), but they can withstand somewhat lower temperatures. They cease growing at 50 °F.

Avoid extreme temperature swings, chilly gusts, and air conditioning or heating system vents. Also, keep children away from heat-emitting gadgets.


This Monstera prefers ordinary to above-average humidity levels of at least 50%. If your home is dry, spray it a few times a week or use a pebble tray. You may also combine your plants or relocate them to rooms with more humidity, such as the kitchen or bathroom. 


Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana prefers bright, indirect light, but may grow in medium to low light conditions. Avoid direct sunlight, and if your home has insufficient light, invest in artificial grow lights.

Soil should be somewhat acidic, chunky, well-drained, and rich in organic matter for Monstera sierrana. Potting soil, peat moss, perlite, and worm castings or compost should suffice.

Watering When the top 2 to 3 inches of soil feel dry, water your var. sierrana. It may be once a week in the spring and summer, and biweekly in the winter and fall. But how frequently depends on your climate, pot size and type, plant size, and other considerations.


There isn’t a lot of fertilizer required for the monstera deliciosa. During the growing season, you only need to fertilize the monstera plant every two weeks. Additionally, you should treat your monstera plants with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer if they are starting to turn yellow or brown.


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