Education Moore Exotics





Scientific name: Helogale Parvula

Life span: Up to 10- 18 years in captivity

A mongoose may appear like the perfect animal to domesticate and maintain as a nice house pet due to its tiny, thin form and lovely grizzled or speckled hair. The length of the head, body, and tail ranges from 180 to 260mm. Although fur colors might vary, they are often mottled brown to gray. Its ventral regions are somewhat whiter in color, but its legs and tail are typically pale in shade.

Native Region/Habitat

The mongoose is endemic to Ethiopia, eastern South Africa, and Angola. They inhabit Savanna, forests, brushy areas, and mountain scrub. They extend up to 1,800 meters above sea level.

As Pet



Mongoose has an intriguing social structure in which an older and more powerful female leads the group. The dominating female partner is the second-ranked animal. The dominant couple is reproductively active and plays a major role as the only breeders. They are monogamous in nature.  In every age group, females outnumber males. Sub-adults alternately “babysit” youngsters by cleaning, carrying, and feeding them. Sometimes, dominant females do not, the dominant ones may feed the young. Despite this limited capacity for reproduction, developing young do not seem to depart the group, and the group only splits after the female passes away. Groups often roam within their home range, which is around 2 hectares, depending on the availability of food.


Mongooses naturally produce a foul odor to deter other animals. While this isn’t a significant concern in the wild, if the mongoose is in captivity, it can be an unpleasant experience. However, it is hard to provide intense care for a mongoose while taking care of them. The Mongoose is a creature that requires a lot of exercise since it is so busy in the wild. They have an active lifestyle and prefer to look for food and have particular dietary requirements. Even though you probably can not allow them to go food hunting in your house, you still need to give them a varied diet that satisfies all of their nutritional requirements.


Mongoose table

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