Education Moore Exotics


Miniature Boer Goat

Miniature Boer goat


A perfect miniature boer is a superior animal with symmetry, balance, and a robust appearance. The Doe must be female, with a body that leans slightly forward. The head, neck, and rump of the Buck are heavier, and it must exhibit strength and manhood. A sturdy, broad head with personality and a calm demeanor. Eyes with a large almond shape. A wide, flared, and curved Roman nose with a tip that is in line with the chin and lower lip. A powerful, upward-curving lower jaw that meets an upper jaw.

Medium-length legs that are proportionate to the depth of the body are ideal. With relation to the cannon bone, the upper leg should be lengthy and well-muscled. The legs should have robust, properly positioned pasterns and colored hooves. Leg bones ought to be broad and flat. covering and skin: A loose, supple complexion is necessary. Eyelids and other areas without hair must be colored. From light tan to dark, there are several shades of pigmentation. Short, dense, and shiny hair is preferred; a small bit of cashmere is permitted with a winter coat.

Either pure red or black. The body is white with small to big colored markings that can be dots, patches, or a combination of the two. With a pigmented colored head and ears and either a white blaze, star, or a fully solidly colored head, the body’s colors can be cream, light tan, rich brown, deep red, or black. Because pigmented skin offers resistance to sunburn, which can cause skin cancer, it is desirable on the hairless areas like under the tail, around the eyelids, and around the lips, etc. A skin with pigmentation is also more resistant to other skin disorders, and a loose, fluid texture allows for better climate adaptation.

Miniature Boer


Because they are quiet and have a placid temperament, Miniature boer goats are simple to care for. This goat enjoys mingling and loves to be with others.


When cattle and sheep are in an environment where they may browse, the Boer goat makes an excellent grazing companion. Due to their propensity to graze the majority of the broadleaf plants that other livestock leave behind, goats can considerably help with pasture management.


Goats with Boer, Australian Red, Kalahari, Savannah, Australian Miniature, and Pygmy bloodlines are being used to generate the Miniature Boer Goat. 


miniature boer table

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