Education Moore Exotics


Mini-Maxi Carpet Anemone

Mini-Maxi Carpet Anemone

This is an easy anemone species to care for. There is very little to worry about in terms of long term success with these Anemones.  Anemones do not consume Alkalinity and Calcium and do not lay a calcium carbonate skeleton and so these parameters will not require extreme maintenance to keep anemones successfully. Like with all corals, specimens have been seen to do well in captivity when the right combination of Food/Light/Flow and Filtration are achieved.

Light: Moderate

(100-200 par) is what we find optimal although other suggestions may be to shower these with light. We have realized that they are somewhat in a middle preference of the light intensity or even can grow well in low intensity. In general it is possible to notice that these anemones are quite versatile, in terms of lighting conditions they can probably adapt to a great extent. For further reading on Lighting and how it affects your reef tank in total, please click on Lighting and your Reef Tank.


 We have not found that any particular feeding regimen is necessary for these anemones but they are voracious eaters and will do very well on meaty foods such as Mysis or brine shrimp placed in various locations in the tank. As with most other anemones it feeds off nutrients in the water and should be fed often, the best prepared meals. Our method is high import, high export. For more information on Feeding and Filtration read our article Feeding, Filtration and your Reef Tank.

Mini-Maxi Carpet Anemone.


 Being a carpet anemone, Mini-Maxi tends to fix itself on rockwork/sides of the tank/glass. When acclimating them we recommend kill the flow makers for a bit so they can attach safely without being thrown around. However, malfunctions of the flow makers or the transfer pumps are not very frequent once the tubes are connected; they seem not to migrate and hence there is very little chance of them affecting the flow makers. In particular, any flow is more destructive to the coral than no flow at all, and excessive direct flow can harm the coral in either of two ways: it may break off fragments from that animal with its proti-stomata or anemones, or it may prevent the coral from catching its food by blocking its mouth with a current and negating the effect of its masticatory muco-ciliary curtain. For more information about Flow and a general overview of the Effects in a reef tank own this article Flow and your Reef Tank


 LOW. Mini-Maxi Carpet anemones have always proved cheap and can well be included in your reef tanks. They come in different colors and are quite simple to maintain and look after.

 Collection zone: Indo-Pacific

 Scientific name:

 Stichodactyla tapetum is a species of sea anemones and they are known by a couple of common names, Mini-Maxi Carpet anemones, or Mini Carpets and they belong to the Stichodactylidae family of sea anemones.


 Rather passive, but as a rule they do not present a danger to other fish, but they will snatch anything that is available to them, for example, sick fish, sea horses, or shrimps.

 Natural temperature: 82 °F / 28 °C but most of the corals can acclimatize to low temperatures of up to 77 °F and high temperatures of up to 84 °F. You might like to read more about this under the following link Temperature and your Reef Tank.

 pH: Recommend 8. 0-8. 4, we often stay around 8. 2-8. 3 in a day. For more information on ph, we suggest you take a look at our article pH and your Reef Tank

 Approximate Purchase Size When Fully Expanded: Small: up to and including 2”; Medium: 2” or bigger.


Mini-Maxi Carpet Anemone table

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