Education Moore Exotics


Middle White



 Male average weight is 275 kilograms while Female average weight is 225 Kilograms.


White in color

Physical Appearance

The face is chubby, the snout is squashed, the ears are huge, upright, and pointy, and the skin is thin and unpigmented with fine white hair.


Characteristics and Genetics

A domestic pig breed from Britain is called the Middle White. It came from the now-extinct Small White and the Large White, and it was created in Yorkshire. The first herd-book was produced in 1884 after it was officially recognized in 1852. It is a porker breed that is distinguished by a small, sharply turned-up snout and is raised for fresh pork rather than bacon or fat like some other pig breeds. It grazes well but does not dig as deeply as some other breeds due to its short nose.

There are typically 8.5 or 9 piglets every litter.


middle white table

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