Education Moore Exotics


Meyer’s Parrot

Meyer’s Parrot.


Life span: 20+ years

Gray feathers, a blue rump, a turquoise belly, and dazzling yellow patterns are all characteristics of Meyer’s parrots. The majority of subspecies also have some yellow on the top of the skull. While men often have slightly bigger, squarer skulls, males and females generally have similar appearances. Meyer’s parrots are wonderful medium-sized pets for anyone who lacks the space for a larger parrot. After the German naturalist Bernhard Meyer, they were first described in 1827.

Habitat/Native Region

Meyer’s parrots, which are unique to Africa, can be spotted flying in pairs or small groups across untamed grasslands and woods. Botswana has the biggest number of them despite their presence in several other nations.

As Pet

Meyer’s Parrot


These parrots are intelligent, gregarious, and easygoing birds. Without being unduly needy, they may be affectionate and enjoy routine handling and neck scratches. When nurtured in a social setting, Meyer’s parrots are frequently gentle and aren’t regarded to be serious biters. They usually like tearing apart or playing with a toy while watching what is going on around them.

Meyer’s parrots can learn a few words and noises, but they are not terrific talkers. The majority of the Meyer’s parrot’s vocalizations are whistles, clicks, and imitations of its surroundings, however it occasionally shrieks.


Despite the fact that all birds require time and care, Meyer’s parrots often require little in the way of upkeep. Additionally, they need a lot of time to watch and investigate their surroundings. Despite the fact that Meyer’s parrots frequently enjoy smashing toys and unwinding on perches, they still need access to time outside of their cage. If there is a safe area to fly where the bird may engage in both physical and mental activities, it is generally a good idea to let the bird fly. Fresh food, toys to destroy, a human or other bird to engage with, and neck massages are typically enough to satisfy them.


Meyer's parrot table

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