Education Moore Exotics


Mexican Fire Barrel Cactus


A striking barrel cactus with strong red spines is called Ferocactus pilosus. Plants begin as globular objects and later become tall. It is a houseplant that is native to Mexico and is best cultivated in temperate settings. It looks intriguing on a windowsill or in a conservatory. Rarely do cultivated plants bear yellow or red flowers.



In the winter, water lightly and let the compost entirely dry up.


Sunlight and Temperature

Select a planting area where there will be direct sunlight for the majority or all of the day. Place the barrel cactus where people won’t unintentionally brush across it because it eventually leans into the light rather than growing perfectly upright and because of its exceptionally sharp spines.

Mexican fire barrel can be found in tropical, subtropical, and semiarid areas that experience little precipitation, intense sunlight, and scorching temperatures. 20 to 35 °C is the ideal temperature for growth. Temperatures below 10 °C or above 35 °C cause development to stall and dormancy to start. The surroundings should be well-ventilated and the air humidity shouldn’t be too high. Avoid accumulating water and high humidity.


A healthy soil mixture consists of 10% native soil, 45% washed sand or pumice, and 45% compost. Poor, dry soil is ideal for barrel cacti to grow in.


Need: Low demand

Like all of your other plants, this one also needs fertilizer, but in less amounts. In order to encourage healthy growth and expansion, plants require fertilizer. Below are some details on how to fertilize these plants.



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