Education Moore Exotics


Matano Crab

Matano Crab

These crabs have lovely purple coloring, matching white joints, and white eyestalks. The claws and body of males are larger than those of females. They typically live entirely underwater.

If you keep matano crabs near certain fish and snails, you’ll find that they have a reputation for aggression. They are nocturnal, like certain crabs, so you will see them scurrying around in the late hours. The males of the species are also aggressive and possessive of their territory.

They are excellent escape artists, too! Therefore, use caution and always keep the tank closed since they will exploit any openings. The Matano is an interesting addition to your home aquarium if you’re seeking for something different than fish.


The Matano Crab (Syntripsa Matannensis) is the ideal addition to your home aquarium if you’re seeking something special besides fish. This crab species is lively, attractive, and has a unique appearance.


The native habitat of this species, which has a surface area of around 164 km2, is the sandy and stony floors of Lake Matano. On the open lake bottom, the Matano crab can be seen during the day roving and consuming snails and other organic materials.

Due to the southern lake’s waters not being as steep and having a sandier bottom, endemic crabs are more prevalent there than in the northern portion of the lake.


To promote complete nutrition and optimal growth, give the crabs a well-balanced meal as a top priority. The Matano crabs are omnivorous scavengers by nature; they don’t have particular tastes and will eat anything from decomposing organic matter to dead fish. They can also eat frozen food, bloodworms, and calcium supplements to help maintain the health of their shells, so you won’t have any trouble coming up with what to feed them.

You should pay close attention to what they want to eat and avoid in order to make the best feeding options. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t feed them too much.

Keeping and Care

It’s crucial to select Matano crabs that are healthy, active, have all of their limbs, and are the typical bright color when sourcing these creatures. To ensure you receive a healthy one, make sure to order from a reliable retailer. Make sure they are female crabs if you intend to keep more than one. A good ratio is one male to one to two females. Aggression levels may decline as a result.


Tank Size

Manato crabs require a tank with a minimum volume of 20 gallons; some people may choose a 10-gallon tank, but that is insufficient. The largest aquarium that will fit in the space is the ideal choice since the Matano crabs won’t be crowded as they develop and grow and there will be enough room for a variety of tank mates.

Water Conditions

It is important to remember that Matano crabs prefer warm water with a pH of 7.8 to 8.2 and temperatures between 77 and 86 degrees (26° to 30° C). Use the thermometer to keep an eye on the tank’s water-filled area’s temperature. If the aquarium is located in a cool area, a heater can be necessary.

Tank mates

The somewhat aggressive matano crabs will try to eat slow-moving fish. If you must couple them with tankmates, keep an eye out for those who move quickly. The following are possible tank mates to think about:

  • Molly’s 
  • Bettas catfish 
  • Other tropical fishes
  • Tetras
  • Guppies


matano crab table

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