Education Moore Exotics


Masked Corydoras

Masked corydoras fish


It can grow to a maximum length of 1.8 inches.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The maximum mature length of Corydoras metae is 1.8 inches. With a slight head tilt, they may simulate blinking and appear to be doing it. These fish are “facultative air breathers” that frequently surface for a breath because of their highly vascularized gut, which allows them to absorb atmospheric oxygen. The aquarium should be covered and only partially filled because the fish might breathe air from its surroundings.

Care and Keeping as Pet

Masked corydoras

  • Water Conditions

Temperatures between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0 in the water are the optimal conditions for keeping this species in captivity. The tank would be a great location to put some plants, sand, and hiding spots. These fish thrive in group aquariums and do best when kept in educational facilities.

  • Housing and Care

The bandit cory forages in the gravel in quest of food particles, as do all cory species. Sharp edges on the substrate run the risk of cutting the fragile barbels, which can result in infection and even death. For corydoras habitat, always use sand or small, smooth-edged gravel, particularly one that is black in color. Dim lighting is ideal.

Create open swimming spaces in the tank. Cories may conceal themselves successfully among bogwood, driftwood, and natural vegetation. Regular care is crucial since prolonged exposure to water temperatures that are lower or higher than usual is not advised for this species. Corys are vulnerable to poor water quality; keep scale-less fish, like the bandit cory, away from any salt, copper, and most pharmaceuticals. Such products are likely to do more harm than the illness they are intended to treat.

  • Tank mates

Since small to medium-sized, calm fish are common in community tanks, bandit cories fit in perfectly. Always keep them in groups of no fewer than three others of the same species, ideally no fewer than six. Never keep one specimen alone because it will grow fearful. For cories, living alone frequently results in a drastically reduced lifetime.

  • Aquarium Size 

For long-term care, base measurements of 80 x 30 cm or comparable are advised.

  • Feeding

The bandit cory is a versatile eater that is easy to please. Most people consume flake food and sink pellets or tablets. Bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp should also be a part of their diet, either frozen or freeze-dried. When possible, add live foods as a supplement. Keep in mind that the bandit cory is a bottom-feeding fish and will only consume food that settles to the bottom or is lowered using tongs. Because that is when they are most active, they also frequently feed at night. Just before shutting out the lights for the day, give them food.

  • Maintenance

Use a fine sand substrate if possible, however rounded gravel is also suitable as long as it is maintained very clean. The rest of the decor is generally up to personal preference, but some protection should be offered.


masked corydoras table

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