Education Moore Exotics


Mandarin Duck

Mandarin Duck

The East Palearctic is home to the perching duck species known as the mandarin duck (Aix galericulata). With a length of 41–49 cm (16–19 in) and a wingspan of 65–75 cm (26–30 in), it is of medium size. The only other bird in the genus Aix, the North American wood duck, is closely related to it. Aristotle used the Ancient Greek word “Aix” to describe an unidentified diving bird, while the Latin word “galericulata,” which refers to a wig, comes from the Latin word galerum, which also means cap or bonnet.

Fun Facts

  • This bird serves as a metaphor in the following Chinese adage about devoted couples: “Two Mandarin ducks playing in the water.”
  • Because in ancient Chinese culture the Mandarin duck represents marital bliss and devotion, it is also a common emblem for Chinese weddings.
  • Mandarin ducks have a daily flying range of up to 500 kilometers.
  • Most people agree that the Mandarin duck is the most attractive duck in the entire world.


Mandarin ducks, also known as yuan-yang in Chinese, are frequently depicted in Oriental art and are said to represent faithfulness and love in marriage. Adult males have a red bill, a huge white crescent above each eye, and a crimson face with “whiskers,” making them stunning and easily identifiable. His flanks are red with two orange “sails” on the back, and his breast is purple with two vertical white bands on it. The males look like the females when they are molting, however their red bill may distinguish them. The female is significantly less colorful than her mate and her bill is pinkish. She has a white-eye ring that extends from where a stripe runs to the back of her head, a thin white flank stripe, and a white underbody.

mandarin duck


Their geographic range influences the type of threat they encounter. Grass snakes, Mink, raccoon dogs, Eurasian eagle owls, polecats, and otters are a few of the ducks’ predators. Due to the destruction of ecosystems and the constant presence of hunters, they are not safe.


Mandarin ducks are omnivores, but their diet varies according to the season. During the colder months, they tend to be herbivores (granivores), eating grains like rice and water plants. They consume worms, snails, tiny fish, and insects during warm weather.


Mandarin ducks breed in China, Japan, and eastern Siberia and spend the winter in southern China and Japan. Due to the release of ducks raised in captivity, there is a small population of these birds in Britain that are free-flying. Mandarin ducks favor the thick, shrubby-forested margins of rivers and lakes for breeding. They can appear in open rivers, flooded meadows, and marshes during the winter. These ducks spend the winter in coastal lagoons and estuaries even though they prefer freshwater.

As Pets 

You may very well keep them as pets, provided that the following conditions are met:

Housing: Keep them in pens that are at least 6 feet tall and next to a body of water so that they may wash and swim in it.

Feed them non-medicated pellets, as well as grasses and egg shells, throughout mealtimes.

Care: Be sure to replace the water frequently because they constantly need fresh water.


mandarin duck table

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