Education Moore Exotics


Malayan Weasel



Scientific Name: Mustela nudipes

The Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo islands are home to the Malayan weasel (Mustela nudipes), also known as the Malay weasel.

Reddish-brown to grayish-white describes the Malayan weasel. The coloration of its head is paler than that of the body. The head is a much lighter colour (typically white) than the remainder of its body, and the distal half of the tail is pale orange to white. The pads on the soles of the feet are not surrounded by fur.


Native to the Malay Peninsula, which extends from southern Thailand to peninsula Malaysia as well as Sumatra and Borneo, is the Malayan weasel. Although it has been observed in a variety of environments, from swamps and montane forests to plantations and high elevation montane scrub up to 1,700 m (5,600 ft), it is typically associated with tropical lowland forest.



The Mustelidae family includes the shy Malayan weasels. They mostly live solitary, but have occasionally been seen in pairs. Although they have been seen swimming, they are mostly terrestrial. They prefer a hushed, zig-zagging running style, and they move quietly and subtly. In their search for food, they run across the ground and jump into logs.


Carnivorous Malayan weasels are found. They forage and hunt for food by looking around holes, burrows, logs, and boulders. They occasionally consume lizards, tiny birds, or insects in addition to a variety of small rodents.



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