Education Moore Exotics


Mahi Mahi

mahi mahi


This species can grow to a maximum length of 6 feet (2.0 m).

Physical characteristics and behavior

There is no connection between the mahi-mahi fish and any dolphins you may encounter in the ocean. The long, streamlined body, blunt head, forked caudal fin (tail), and dorsal fin that extends down its back of this vividly coloured, easily recognised fish. It boasts a rainbow of colors, with iridescent blue and green patches all over its back and sides and a predominately golden green and blue that fades to a yellow-white underside.

As Pet

mahi mahi

  • Tank Size

The optimal tank size for a Coryphaena hippurus specimen is 75 gallons or more (Dolphin fish or Mahi mahi). However, some hobbyists may successfully maintain Coryphaena hippurus in tanks as little as 50 gallons with the help of adequate filtration and regular water changes.

  • Tank Setup

The setup of a tank for a dolphin fish is rather simple, but there are several things to be aware of. If you are just starting out, the tank can be as little as 30 gallons, but you should quadruple that size if you intend to keep any other kinds of fish in addition to your Dolphin fish. Their calm nature means they don’t need a particularly big habitat.

Having multiple caves and overhangs is essential since they should always have lots of hiding places in case they feel threatened by their environment or another animal. They can also benefit from having rocks and driftwood put around the glass in a way that allows them to occasionally perch. 

Don’t cut corners on the substrate because we advise using anything from sand to broken coral that closely resembles their native habitat. When giving your friend food such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and pellets, be sure there aren’t any sharp protrusions to prevent injury! Since he is a true carnivore, it is better to feed him smaller meals three times each day and make sure he gets enough protein.

  • Tank Companions

They will typically be kept in marine aquariums alongside other small, peaceful saltwater fish like Chromis, gobies, damsels, blennies, and fairy wrasses. When introduced to clownfish at a young age, they are likewise accepting of them. Due to their small size, fish like some tangs and surgeonfishes may nibble on them, but if they are well-fed, they will usually leave them alone.

  • Habitat

Under floating debris, Coryphaena hippurus are found living offshore. It accompanies enormous ships and lurks beneath sargassum mats. From 0 to 279 feet offshore, dolphinfish can be found (0-85 m).


mahi mahi table

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