Education Moore Exotics


Mack Snow Leopard Gecko


Where did Mack Snow come from?

The Mack Snows came from John and Amy Mack from Reptiles by Mack. They came across some hatchlings which looked like “Snow” hatchlings rather than normal hatchlings. The following season, John and Amy bred the hatchlings back to each other. In the breeding, they produced Super Snows, Mack Snows, and Normals.


Adults apparently differ and are similar from their babies or others:

The body’s coloration is carried over to the head as well. When they hatch from the egg, instead of the customary yellow bands, they have white bands. The adults have less yellow pigment in their backgrounds, which is best described as having a pastel yellow color. The coloration of the belly matches that of the body. The body’s coloration is carried through to the tail.


mack snow leaopard gecko table

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