Education Moore Exotics





Can grow up to 15 inches.


Physical characteristics and behavior

The lionfish’s head and body are finely banded, with reddish- or golden-brown bands on a background of yellow. The dorsal and anal fins, which ordinarily appear translucent, are decorated with spots in rows of black. Pterois volitans also have bony ridges across each face and flaps that partially conceal the eyes and nose. Between both of their eyes is a “tentacle”. These fish move around in the dark by gently raying their dorsal and anal fins. The lionfish will remain in the open until daylight even though it consumes the majority of its prey during the first hour of darkness. In their coral and rocky habitats, they skulk away from the dawning sun.

Care When Keeping as Pet


  • Tank size

Red lionfish appreciate an established aquarium with lots of live rock to swim through and require a minimum tank size of 100 gallons. Water should be maintained at a temperature of 72–82°F (22–28°C) with a salinity of 30–50 ppm.

  • Tank conditions

SnowFlake Eels and Large Hippo Tangs, to mention a couple, are thought to make good tankmates. Size is typically the deciding factor in whether or not the Volitan will get along with a fish. It will attempt to consume anything that is moving and about half its size. They are regarded as one of the industry’s top predators. If you want to keep two lionfish, it is best to make sure that their sizes are comparable and that you introduce them to the tank at the same time.

Larger tanks are required (at least 120 gallons), and preferably, they contain a lot of crevassed rock work and a sandy substrate.

  • Tank mates

Although they are not aggressive, red lionfish will aggressively defend their home range. What can you keep in the same tank as a red lion fish without it eating it is the question. Larger angelfish, butterflyfish, and basslets are good companions since their scales are too thick for the piscivore’s little teeth to pierce. Triggerfish, wrasses, and tangs that are large enough to avoid being scared off by the red lion fish or tiny enough for it to devour if they do get into a fight are other ideal tank companions. In a reef aquarium, lionfish can coexist peacefully alongside species like gobies, blennies, and dartfish.

  • Water Parameters

The ideal conditions for the lionfish are 25 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 8.1 to 8.4. They can be discovered in rocky nooks and tropical reefs.

Lionfish are resilient, although their tolerance for changes in water chemistry is limited. They require high-quality seawater with a pH between eight and twelve and a specific gravity of at least.98. If your local tap water is soft, acidic, or very low in minerals, use RO or RODI filtered saltwater to prepare the aquarium water.

For lionfish to survive the warmer temperatures they prefer, the water must circulate freely and have a high oxygen content. To keep nitrates under control and provide stability for this delicate species, frequent partial water changes are essential.

  • Diet 

The red lionfish is an ambush predator that consumes crustaceans, small fish, and other water column creatures.

In order to blend into its surroundings while hunting, it sits still on a rock or coral head with its fins raised before darting out fast to catch anything in the area. It is important to offer a good selection of meaty items, such as squid, shrimp, scallops, herring, bits of fish filet, and krill.


lionfish table

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