Education Moore Exotics


Lincolnshire Curly Coat

Lincolnshire Curly Coat pig


It weighs over 250kg


The belly is available in red, blonde, or swallow.

Physical Appearance

It was a big pig with long ears, but its most distinguishing characteristic was a long, curly white coat that protected it from the chilly, wet winters on the fens of Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire Curly Coat

Characteristics and Genetics

The Baston Pig is another name for the extinct British breed of domestic pig known as the Lincolnshire Curly Coat or Lincolnshire Curly-coated. It was created in and named after the East Midlands county of Lincolnshire. After the Second World War, it became rare, along with many other traditional pig breeds. 1970 saw its disappearance. The Hungarian Mangalica is an earlier, still-existing breed of pigs with a comparable appearance.

The curly coat pig is a naughty breed that is constantly playing and running around, like many other pig varieties. Feed bowls are frequently moved or destroyed by ours.


lincolnshire curly coat white table

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