Education Moore Exotics


Lawnmower Blenny

Lawnmower Blenny


A Salarias fasciatus can grow up to 6 inches long (15 centimeters)

Physical characteristics and behavior

Pet owners are drawn to the Lawnmower Blenny because of its shifting color. In order to blend in with its surroundings and ward off predators, the entire body may change color. White flecks and darker lines on the front break up the color, which changes in intensity depending on how you’re feeling. While the rest of their body alters, blue spots surround their back.

No dorsal fin notch, smooth lips, and cirri that resemble tentacles. They appear absurd due to their protruding stomach.


Only in typical marine environments with a pH range of 8.0 to 8.3 and salinity of 1.023 to 1.025 SG can lawnmower blennies flourish. The ideal water temperature for swimming is between 75 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit.

As Pet


  • Tank Maintenance & Setup

The Lawnmower Blenny requires a sizable tank with plenty of room for algae growth. Because of this, the tank specifications listed below ought to be able to satisfy its requirements:

  • Tank

Lawnmower Blenny’s recommended tank capacity is 40 gallons, or 48′′x12′′x16′′. Of course, the fish will prefer a larger tank, as hostility will result from a lack of room.

Sand would be the finest substrate for a Lawnmower Blenny aquarium because these fish like the bottom. For the fish to dig in, use a substrate made of fine sand. The chance of injuries as they try to dig in will be decreased by using fine sand.

  • Water Parameters

Lawnmower Blenny prefers water that is between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. Make sure the fresh water is the same temperature as the old when you change the tank water. Although Lawnmower Blenny is not very sensitive to temperature variations, you should strive to keep them at a constant.

8.1 to 8.4 is the ideal pH range for Lawnmower Blennies water. They are quite picky about pH and salinity fluctuations.

A Lawnmower Blenny aquarium should have water with a hardness of 8 to 12 dKH. Lawnmower Blennies require a steady salinity between 1.020 and 1.025 because they are saltwater fish.

  • Decorations for tanks

Having a natural tank layout is essential for accurately simulating Lawnmower Blennies’ native habitat. The Lawnmower Blenny tank looks best with rocks since they provide the fish room to jump around. By including live rocks and driftwood, try to mimic the habitat of a coral reef. Place them so that they have room to hide within.

  • Diet 

The fish will primarily eat algae because it is a herbivore. The majority of enthusiasts add it to the aquarium to destroy algae growth. In this, the fish never lets you down. You can buy algae pellets as an alternative if the tank does not have enough algae growth.


lawnmower blenny table

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