Education Moore Exotics


Large Black Pig



Male and female sows range in weight from 270 to 320 kg, while the large black pig weighs between 320 and 360 kg.



 Physical Appearance

They feature long noses, tails, and ears, as well as deep, elongated bodies. Because of how big their ears are, they block their eyesight.


Characteristics and Genetics

Among domestic pigs, the black big pig is regarded as the largest.

Although it is a native of Devon, Essex, and Cornwall in particular, it is originally from the United Kingdom.

The term “Large Black Pig” really refers to a hybrid of two distinct pig breeds that originated in the English counties of Essex, Kent, and Suffolk in the east and Devon and Cornwall in the south-west.

They have outstanding foraging skills, nice manners, a calm disposition, and are extremely hardy.


Large black pig table

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