Education Moore Exotics





3 inches

Physical Characteristics

Females have larger yellow bands running across the top of their dorsal fins and shorter, rounder fins. When they are prepared to spawn, they turn brilliant red or purple and are far smaller than the males. Males have fins that finish in distinct points and are bigger, longer, and thinner.


The Kribensis Cichlids are calm and non-violent. They get along with the majority of similar species and can live peacefully in a tank with others. You might only need to be concerned about fin-nipping. This fish has a reputation for pursuing freshwater animals with long, flowing tails.


Fish from the genus Kribensis are native to the coastal regions of Cameroon and southern Nigeria in Africa. Although they can tolerate a wide range of water hardness levels, they prefer shallow water with dense vegetation.

Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Size

We advise getting an aquarium with a capacity of 20–30 gallons. Although some owners have had success keeping lone Kribensis Cichlids in 10-gallon tanks, bigger is usually preferable. You can maintain a bonded pair together or establish a small community in a bigger tank. Also, the additional room can deter territorial behavior.

  • Water Parameters

Following are some fundamental water specifications:

The water is between 75°F and 79°F.

pH ranges from 5.0 to 8.0 (a neutral pH balance is preferred)

Hardness of water: 5 to 20 dGH

  • Feeding

Being omnivores by nature, Kribensis Cichlids prefer a varied diet. Sinking pellets are the simplest food you could ever offer. Use pellets that are dense enough to sink to the bottom of the water column because these fish prefer to stay there. Provide some live, frozen foods or freeze-dried to provide protein. Try brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and other things. Vegetables are also known to be accepted by Kribensis Cichlids. They like eating bits of zucchini and mashed peas. Make sure not to overfeed, regardless of what you’re feeding. Only give them food that they can finish in a few minutes. To maintain the water’s quality, remove any extra.

  • Tank mates

Other peaceful fish species of comparable size will make the finest tank mates for the Kribensis Cichlid. To prevent issues, you can select species that live in various areas of the water column. These are some potential tank companions:

  • Congo Tetra 
  • Apistogramma 
  • Cory Catfish 
  • Siamese Algae Eater 
  • Most types of plecos 
  • Harlequin Rasbora 
  • Tiger Barb


kribensis table


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