Education Moore Exotics


Korat Cat



 Size: 6- 10 lbs

The Korat cat is a small to medium-sized, short-haired, blue-gray domestic cat breed. These cats have a low body fat content, are semi-cobby, and exceptionally heavy for their size. They have a highly vocal breed of active, lively, and clever cats that develop close relationships with people. The Korat cats have a heart-shaped head and their big green eyes are among their defining features. They have shorter front paws than back paws.

They are a breed that matures slowly, and it takes them 4-5 years to achieve their maximum size.

Korat cat


 Activity Level: Active

Social needs: Always need human company, enjoy being with other pets

The Korat is a highly intellectual cat who is also a very considerate family member. Compared to most cats, Korats are more relaxed. They will make time to play and be active, but they like cuddling in their owner’s lap just as much. With their human family, Korats build strong ties and like cuddling. They can be dedicated to their human mates and make excellent home pets. They get along great with kids, although they do prefer a calm home versus one that is chaotic.


This breed is officially recognized as a national treasure in Thailand, formerly known as Siam. According to written accounts, the Korat may have existed during Thailand’s 1350–1767 Ayutthaya period. The Cat-Book Poems, the most famous book from this era, had illustrations of 17 cat breeds believed to bestow good fortune on their owners. The Korat was among the cats mentioned. As a result, Korats were customarily given as gifts to brides in order to bring good fortune and happiness to the newlyweds.

Care as a Pet

The Korat cat is very lively, intelligent, and loving. These perceptive cats can develop strong bonds with their owners and adore taking part in your regular activities. They dislike being left alone for extended periods of time as a result. Being social cats, they adore spending time with their special someone. Whether it’s you or another animal, these kitties should have a friend to keep them company. An unhappy Korat and separation anxiety can result from being left alone. 

Every cat needs exercise, and the Korat is no different. The Korat, on the other hand, loves to play any game with their people, unlike some cats. These feisty cats relish every moment of positive connection with their human friends during playtime, which is a time for bonding. Even playing fetch is enjoyable to many Korats! The tremendous intellect of the Korat also makes training them simple. Try teaching them skills and providing puzzle toys to keep them engaged and challenged.  

Nutrition and Diet

Your Korat will live a long and healthy life if you feed it nutritious food. Every cat will have different preferences and nutritional requirements, but a high-quality cat food designed exclusively for felines should have all the nutrients your pet needs to flourish. For more details on the diet that will benefit your cat the most, speak with your veterinarian.

Though this breed can struggle with low body fat percentages, you should avoid encouraging excessive weight gain or obesity in them.

Grooming needs

Korat will stay clean and healthy if you keep it well-groomed. Their short, single-layered coat makes grooming a breeze. their dazzling silvery-blue fur may be kept bright and healthy with weekly brushing or two. Make sure to frequently brush their teeth, trim their nails, and clean their ears.


Korat table

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