Education Moore Exotics


Knysna Seahorse

Knysna Seahorse.

Due to their small size and excellent camouflage, Knysna seahorses are quite challenging to observe in their natural habitats. The marina on Thesen Island contains them in exceptionally high densities. The Knysna Basin Project’s marine experts are committed to studying and preserving this endangered and fragile species. Due to their extraordinary sensitivity to changes in their natural habitat, seahorses serve as an indicator species, making seahorse research crucial. Therefore, a healthy estuary system could be indicated by a thriving Knysna seahorse population, or vice versa. We must safeguard not only this rare and imperiled indigenous species, but also all the other animals that depend on this abundant estuary environment.


The Knysna seahorse is a medium-sized seahorse (8–12 cm), and the males have a tiny keel above their brood pouch. They have a distinctive short snout. They often have a mottled brown color, although they can also be white, yellow, orange, green, beige, brown, or black.


The only species of seahorse known to live only in estuaries is the endemic Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis), which is native to South Africa. The three estuaries of Knysna, Swartvlei, and Keurbooms are home to Knysna seahorses, which have the shortest geographic range of any seahorse. They were also present in the Klein Brak estuary prior to 2002. They typically occur with aquatic plants in water depths between 0.5 and 20 metres.

Knysna Seahorse


One will hunt for prey while the other keeps an eye out for it as they both eat small fish and shellfish.


The broad Indo-Pacific seahorse H. kuda’s Indian Ocean population and Hippocampus capensis are closely related. The smaller size, shorter snout, and smaller coronet of the Knysna seahorse are likely adaptations to increase maneuverability in the seagrass habitats common to South African estuaries.


Knysna Seahorse seahorse

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