Education Moore Exotics


Khao Manee Cat

Khao Manee


 Size: 8- 10 lbs.

The Khao Manee is a completely white cat, therefore it is hardly surprising that the name translates to “white diamond.” Their body is powerful and athletic, and their short, sleek, close-fitting coat conceals this. They have a fairly oriental body type that is lithe and long but not as extreme as other members of that group (i.e. comparable to a Siamese cat). The rarest form of Khao Manee has odd-eyed eyes, which are those with one of each color. Eyes might be blue, gold, or odd-eyed.


 Activity Level: 

Social needs: Active

The social Khao Manee cat requires a lot of connection from its human family and has to be left alone for a few hours each day. They will sleep peacefully next to or on top of you because they are highly connected to their owners.


The Khao Manee has regal roots because royal families in Thailand kept it for many years in the past. The breed is mentioned in the Tamra Maew, a famous collection of cat poetry from the 14th century. The English name of the breed is “White Gem.” Until 1999, when a breeder by the name of Colleen Freymuth decided to import the cat to the United States of America, the Khao Manee is supposed to have remained a native of Thailand.

Care as  a Pet



The energetic khao manee cat enjoys climbing and exploring. Provide your khao manee with cat trees or towers for them to climb and perch on, as well as a variety of entertaining toys including feather wands, bell-tipped balls, fuzzy mice, and puzzle games. According to reports, khao manees like to play fetch. 

Nutrition and Diet

Feed your khao manee measured meals at regular intervals (adults typically eat twice a day, in the morning and evening; kittens typically need three to four meals a day). Scheduled meal times aid in preventing undesirable weight gain, which can occur if food is left out constantly (a practice known as free feeding).

Any breed of cat that is overweight or obese runs the risk of developing weight-related medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. For guidance on the best food to feed your khao manee, consult your vet or a breeder.

Grooming needs 

Most Khao Manee cats require relatively little maintenance when it comes to grooming;, because they have so short hair, you may get away with combing them only once a week. This will reduce the possibility of mats and hairballs forming. The Khao Manee typically favors warmer temperatures over cold ones when it comes to climate. However, during the hottest months, you should always make sure that there is enough shade and fresh water available.


Khao manee table

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