Education Moore Exotics


Keyhole Cichlid



This specie grow to a height of 4 to 4.9 inches (10 to 12.5 cm) on average as adults.

Physical Appearance

Compared to other cichlids, the keyhole cichlid has more muted colour. Light yellow/cream to light tan/brown are the colors of its body. There is a broad, vertical black stripe that runs over the head and eye. A black area right behind the body’s midline serves as the keyhole cichlid’s identifying trait. In mature fish, this area may extend downward, forming a distinctive “keyhole” shape. Keyhole cichlids have a more oval-shaped body than other cichlids. Their lengthy extensions on their rayed dorsal and anal fins stretch rearward across the rounded tail fin.


The tropical fish known as the keyhole cichlid. The lower Orinoco River Basin of Venezuela, in South America, is home to its native populations. They can also be found in the French Guianan Ouanary River and the Guyanan Barima River. These rivers have slow-moving, densely vegetated waters.

Keeping as Pet


Tank Size

A single keyhole Cichlid or a pair needs a tank that is at least 30 gallons in size. A 40 gallon breeder tank or a 55 gallon fish tank would be ideal if you intend to keep the group. Naturally, a bigger aquarium would be preferable.

Water Parameters

Here are the important water parameters to follow:

Water temperature: 72 – 81°F

pH levels: 6.0-8.0 (Avoid rapid changes)

Water hardness: 12 to 20 dGH


Keyhole cichlids primarily consume insects and other tiny invertebrates in the wild. However, you can provide a variety of foods to animals kept in captivity, including freeze-dried bloodworms, flake food, and brine prawns.

Feeding your fish veggies will increase the amount of fibre in their diet and help them stay healthy. Cucumbers that have been cut and blanched peas will be tasty to them.

Tank Mates

Suitable tank mates include:

Corydoras catfish,


Giant danios

Small Rainbowfish


keyhole-cichlid table

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