Education Moore Exotics





1.4 meters

Physical appearance

The Kerry breed has fine, white horns with black tips and a black exterior. Kerry breeds often weigh 350 to 450 kg, which is a manageable weight. This breed has a barely noticeable dewlap that is virtually nonexistent.

Characteristics and genetics

With the majority of them still calving at 14 to 15 years old, this breed has a longer productive age. The breed’s typical annual milk output ranges from 2900 kg to 3650 kg. Additionally, the milk has a 4% butterfat concentration, which helps to explain why it is mostly used to make yogurt. The breed is a better producer of milk and meat due to its easy calving characteristics, hardiness, and thrift.



The first breed of cattle to be bred solely for its milk was the Kerry. They provide milk of excellent quality, which is excellent for making yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. In fact, the famed ice cream recipes from Murphy’s Ice Cream are made only with Kerry cow milk.

Kerry cow milk is particularly excellent because it includes tiny fat globules that are smaller than those found in milk from other breeds of cattle. The milk tastes creamier and smoother as a result of its composition. Additionally, because the fat globules are so small, Kerry cattle milk is typically digested by a large number of people who have difficulties with fat.


Ireland is the home of the Kerry cattle. They were widespread and highly visible in Ireland in the late 17th century. The number of this type of cow, however, began to fall as other cattle varieties were imported and crossbreeding commenced.

Kerry cattle eventually became restricted to the southwest of Ireland, where they became widespread and important livestock for small-scale farmers. To resuscitate and repopulate this endangered cattle breed, conservation efforts are currently being made in the US and the UK. To recognize and preserve this cattle breed, the Kerry Cattle Society in Ireland collaborates with US breeders.


kerry table

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