Education Moore Exotics


Kenyi Cichlid



In the wild, they can reach a maximum length of about 5 inches (12.7 cm), but aquarium individuals frequently reach considerably greater lengths.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Like other Mbuna cichlids, the Kenyi Cichlid is long and muscular, but the males have a more profound appearance. If the correct circumstances are present, this cichlid may live for ten years or longer. The male and female of this species are different hues, unlike the majority of other Mbuna species. The anal fin of the male Kenyi bears egg dots, and its stomach is paler in color. The color of females ranges from purple to blue, and they have lighter stomach regions and light bars like males. Women and men have similar appearances. Juveniles, however, are a little bit smaller. All the stages have diminishing vertical bars, with some color remaining close to the dorsal fin.

Keeping as Pet

Kenyi cichlid

  • Care Instructions

Everything you need to know about taking care of your Kenyi Cichlid, from tank size and water changes to tank decor and fish behavior, is covered in this portion of the article.

  • Tank Size

Large aquariums that are at least 40 inches long by 16 inches wide are required. You can maintain a harem in this area that includes one guy and several girls. Keep the length of community aquariums at 60 inches or less.

  • Tank companions

As unbelievable as it may sound, crowded aquariums encourage less territorialization and hostility in these fish. However, it is recommended to stay away from other Maylandia species, especially ones with similar appearances, as males will battle to the death with absolute certainty. In order to prevent being attacked by other cichlids that currently rule the aquarium, it is best to introduce the new fish at the same time and in a group. Therefore, only maintain them with other aggressive Mbuna species like Zebra Obliquidens, Demasoni, Blue Socolofi, Red Zebra, Auratus, Snow White, and Yellow Lab.

  • Parameters for water

These fish inhabit areas with water that is strongly alkaline, has a high pH, and has excellent oxygenation. Any amount of nitrogen compounds in the water will prove to be extremely harmful under these circumstances, thus the water quality must always be flawless. They should be kept in water that is 73 to 78 F. A temperature of about 77o F is good for maximizing reproduction. To encourage reproduction around 8, the water should be hard and alkaline with an excellent pH value between 7.6 and 8. A hardness of between 10 and 20 is good. Remember that these cichlids can’t stand pH levels that are too acidic or soft.

  • Diet

The Kenyi Cichlid consumes plankton and biofilm made of algae on rocks in its natural habitat. However, in aquariums, they should eat food meant for herbivorous fish. These fish have no trouble finding food. It is advised to eat a high-quality flake or granule diet enhanced with spirulina. Additionally, you frequently feed them snacks like carrots, peas, and zucchini. Avoid overfeeding your pet and avoid giving them live animals or foods with a lot of animal protein.


kenyi cichlid table

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