Education Moore Exotics





Melons, cucumbers, and gourds are all members of the Cucurbitaceae family, which also contains the genus Gynostemma, which Jiaogulan belongs to. A tiny purple gourd that is inedible is its fruit. It is a climbing vine that uses tendrils to cling to objects. The temperature range that this plant can tolerate is -15 °C to 41.5 °C. It burrows beneath the earth in the winter and emerges again in the spring with bulbous roots.


It grows on roadsides, thickets, and woodlands at elevations between 300 and 3,200 meters above sea level in China. Jiaogulan is a vine that can grow as a short-lived perennial in USDA zone 8, where it is vine hardy.


Medicine is made from the leaf. Due to its comparable uses to ginseng and its cultivation in south central China, jiaogulan is frequently referred to as “Southern Ginseng.” Jiaogulan is used to treat excessive blood pressure, high cholesterol, and to enhance heart health.


Plant Care

  • Soil

If you’re growing Jiaogulan in containers, you may use a commercial potting mix or grow it in almost any kind of well-drained soil. Although it can withstand full light, the plant prefers partial shade, especially in warm climates. Transplant cuttings from a mature vine to propagate immortality herb.

  • Water Needs

Jiaogulan needs regular watering because it is sensitive to dry soil. To customize watering suggestions for your particular location, use our water calculator. Alternatively, download Greg to receive more detailed recommendations for every plant in your home.

  • Sunlight Needs

Insufficient sunshine might hinder the growth of Jiaogulan, causing it to shed its leaves. To optimize its development potential, situate it no more than three feet away from a window. To view how the placement in your home is impacted by the local weather, select your region.

  • Fertilizer

Plants utilize the abundance of nutrients found in most potting soils to generate new growth. Your plant will probably have grown to the point where it needs a larger container by the time it has used up all of the nutrients in the soil. Repot your Jiaogulan every year, or after it doubles in size, to restore the nutrients to this plant.


Jiaogulan table

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