Education Moore Exotics


Jeweled Velvet Gecko

Jeweled Velvet Gecko


Scientific name: Oedura gemmata 

Life span: 10-20 years

Oedura gemmata, often known as the spotted or jeweled velvet gecko. The unique colors, back, and tail pattern of this species set it apart from all other Oedura. On a surface that is completely black, the head and dorsal surface of the body are covered in an erratic pattern of vivid lemon yellow and light brown dots. Several thin white bands may be seen running the length of the black tail.

Native Region/Habitat

In Australia’s Northern Territory, this gecko is endemic.

jeweled velvet gecko


As an arboreal, diurnal species that lives in trees and is active throughout the day, the jeweled gecko. Several tree and shrub species, including manuka, beech, and matagouri, are suitable habitats for it. Rock outcrops and boulder fields can also serve as good habitat for animals that need to easily flee from predators..

Care As a pet/In captivity:

The Jewelled Velvet Gecko (Oedura gemmata), like the majority of velvet geckos, is fairly simple to care for in captivity. Since they are tropical species, they require a little more heat than some of the other species, especially in the winter if they are kept in southern states. If the heat source warms a rock that the geckos can “bask” on at night to elevate their body temperature, a heat pad or low-wattage bulb should be sufficient. Although the hot spot can be lowered to about 30°C in the winter, cage temperatures shouldn’t go below the mid-teens. 

The typical menu of crickets, cockroaches, small mealworms, etc. is also acceptable because they are generalist invertebrate feeders and will accept nearly anything supplied that is of an adequate size. Feeding should be done twice or three times per week for adults and once every seven to ten days for juveniles during the cooler months when the enclosure should also be kept dry. Tropical summers are moist, therefore it would be good to thoroughly shower the cage with water in the late afternoon on alternate days.


jeweled velvet gecko table

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