Education Moore Exotics


Jewel Cichlid



They are only capable of growing as tall as 6 inches.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

African jewelfish, often referred to as jewel cichlids, are a type of strikingly colorful fish that are indigenous to west Africa. The most common color variation of the red gem cichlid is one of several that are offered in the aquarium trade. This fish’s skin is covered with two large black blotches, contains iridescent specks, and is a vibrant red color (which may grow more intensely with reasonable care and during breeding). These critters have an infamous reputation for being vicious and murdering much larger fish. Please, just one male or female.


The following factors allow this species’ habitat ideal: Water in a 30-gallon (114-liter) tank with water at 70 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1 to 23.3 degrees Celsius), a pH of 7 to 7.5, and a hardness of 7 to 18 dGH (116.7-300 ppm)

Keeping as Pet and Care in a Tank

Jewel Cichlid

  • Tank Size

As a territorial and aggressive fish, jewel cichlids require a large tank (beginning at a capacity of 22 gallons). The tank must have plenty of coverings, flowerpots, caves, tubes, snags, and other hiding spots for the fish.

  • Tank decor

It is better to have a sandy bottom because cichlids like to burrow in it and the water gets dirty. Like all African cichlids, the gem cichlid needs clean water to survive. It is preferable to utilize an external filter when considering the feed and the animal’s propensity to dig the bottom. Furthermore, bottom siphonage and periodic water renewal are required.

Because they dig up plants and mutilate leaves, this cichlid shouldn’t be around plants. The tank should only contain plants with stiff leaves. something like large plants in flower pots with anubias. The fish do well in moderately hard water, though they prefer water that is no harder than 12 dGH.

  • Water Attributes

22–28 °C (72–82 °F) desired water temperature, pH: 6.0–7.8, 5–25 dGH.

  • Feeding

The jewel cichlid will happily consume any kind of food, but to maximize the colour of the fish, it is recommended to feed it live food such as blood worms, tubifex, white worms, fish frames, etc. The diet can be supplemented with plant food, such as lettuce leaves or feed containing spirulina.

  • Tank Companions 

This particular kind of cichlid fish is well known for its aggression and territorial dependence, particularly during the spawning season. The jewel cichlid is kept in pairs, however the partners must choose one another from the group of young fish. This fish can be kept in a tank with species that are the same size as it, such as catfish (like pictus or pleco) or fast fish (like tiger barb). Other tank mates, such as african cichlids such the lionhead, aulonocara, kribensis, and other mbunas, can be added to big aquariums.


jewel cichlid table

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