Education Moore Exotics


Jersey Giant Chicken

A domestic chicken breed popular in America is called the Jersey Giant. The late 19th century saw its creation in Burlington County, New Jersey. It is a huge breed, as its name implies, and one of the heaviest of all chicken breeds.


The black, white, and blue Jersey Giant chicken varieties are the three officially recognized varieties. Additionally tall, Jersey Giant chickens have roosters that stand over two feet tall and hens that stand just below them. They have long, deep, and wide bodies that give them a fairly rectangular appearance. Their tails are short, and their backs are broad and flat. The Jersey Giant is a large, handsome bird with black legs and yellow soles. There are four toes on each foot, and the legs are not feathered. The skin is yellow, with red wattles and comb. This chicken has dark brown eyes and a black beak with a hint of pale yellow near the tip.

As Pet

Here is a brief summary of some of the care needs for this breed that you should concentrate on.


  • Housing

Just keep in mind that a flock of Jersey Giants need a chicken coop that is larger than normal. Although six to eight square feet per bird is the typical recommended amount, you should allot additional room for your Jersey Giants. Some authorities advise reserving double that amount of room!

Remember that Jersey Giants have trouble getting their large bodies off the ground while planning the layout of your coop. To avoid leg injuries, you should make sure that all perches are lower than the ground. To sustain the weight of this large bird, the perches must also be strong.

  • Feeding

Jersey Giants are excellent at foraging on their own and living in the open. They can’t fly to get there, thus they won’t travel very far due to their size. You don’t need to keep them in a covered run because they will enjoy spending a lot of their time roaming around in search of delectable bugs and grass because they are so large and not a good target for hawks.

The same kind of feed that you would give to other chicken breeds should also be provided in addition to free-ranging. While adults can consume a conventional layer feed, chicks require a special meal that contains more protein.

  • Temperament

The Jersey Giant is a calm, gentle, and manageable chicken. They are friendly and will follow you around while conversing subtly. They can’t fly because to their size, thus they usually stay near to the ground. Because of how well they adapt to confinement and smaller urban environments, they might be perfect for your backyard farm.

Although some owners still do it, Jersey Giant chickens are not the kind of chicken you can simply pick up and carry or sit on your lap despite how loving and charming they are. Due to their size, they are at the top of the pecking order, which means that other chicken breeds don’t bother them. More aggressive breeds due to their docility and unwillingness to defend themselves, however, might intimidate a Jersey Giant. Their robust and sensitive character makes them excellent flock keepers and leaders.


jersey giant chicken table

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