Education Moore Exotics


Japanese Cockroach

Japanese Cockroach

This species (Periplaneta japonica), sometimes referred to as the Yamato cockroach, is a cockroach that is found in Japan initially and has adapted to colder northern temperatures. Depending on when it hatches, it has a flexible semivoltine or univoltine (1 or 2 year) lifetime. As diapause nymphs, it can spend two winters before maturing.

Identification of the Japanese Cockroach

  • Japanese cockroaches are a medium-sized species of cockroach, with an average length of an inch. 
  • Although they are a flying species of cockroach, it is nevertheless common to witness them moving mostly by crawling. 
  • They also have the fairly typical dark brown coloring, with wings that are lighter brown or amber in tone. 
  • Although it has been observed that some varieties have lighter brown markings on their heads, this is rarely the case.
  • The wings of the adult male are much longer than those of the adult female, which have wings that are roughly half as long as the body.



As omnivores, cockroaches consume both plants and animals.


Populations of this primarily outdoor species can adapt to living within in homes and structures that are used to store, prepare, or serve food.


A sticky fluid that a P. japonica nymph accumulates along its posterior dorsal surface and can spill some distance toward a threat when it shakes increases in isolated or sparse groups. This defensive reaction called Formica exsecta was brought on due to an aggressive type of ant, which rendered the ants powerless.

Are Japanese cockroaches venomous?

It is unknown if Japanese cockroaches bite.

Can Japanese cockroaches fly?

The Japanese and German cockroaches are virtually identical. They are powerful flyers, unlike the German cockroach, which is the only real distinguishing feature.

Which things make Japanese cockroaches attractive?

Lightly colored surfaces and/or regions with good lighting are attractive to Japanese cockroaches. They rarely enter home, but they typically stay outside.


Japanese cockroach table

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