Education Moore Exotics


Japanese Carpenter Ant

Japanese-carpenter ant

Eastern Asia is home to the ant species known as Camponotus japonicus, also referred to as the Japanese carpenter ant. It is one of the biggest ants and is black. Ten to thousands of individuals make up a nest, and when it invades homes or guards aphids, it can be a problem. This ant has multiple subspecies, with the largest of the species being found in northern China. It is found throughout Asia.


The queen is black, but her thorax and belly are covered in minute brown hair. They measure 17 mm in length. The queen has four translucent brown wings with brown vein support before mating. The 12-millimeter-long male has a sleeker body and longer, straighter antennae. The male and the queen both have three ocelli, unlike the workers.

Based on their size, which ranges from 6 to 15 millimeters, the laborers are split into three subcastes. The soldier is another name for the largest subcaste of laborers.

Japanese carpenter ant


Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Pakistan, China, Mongolia, and Russia are just a few of the countries that Camponotus japonicus calls home (Siberia). At an altitude of 1700 meters, in the Tawang district close to Kitpi lake, in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, it was originally discovered.

Care Guide

  • Nest temperature: 24 to 28 °C outside 21–35 °C 
  • Nest 50–70% relative humidity worldwide 30- 50% 
  • No hibernation 
  • Food: Water (at all times). carbs such as sugar water, honey water, or other. Freshly killed insects or other sources of protein. 
  • Monogyne, a colony form (one Queen per colony). 500 workers on average per colony. 
  • Claustral, the Founding Queen (without feeding) 
  • Acrylic, Y-tong, natural setup nest type. 
  • Sizes: Worker: 6-14mm; Queen: 14-17mm. Multifaceted individuals (vary in size) 
  • No to bite, sting, or formic acid


Because they build their nests in wood, Camponotus japonicus is also known as the carpenter ant. Due to its amazing size, this species of Camponotus is quite well known. They are the largest species of ant in Asia, and they are all black. They are a resilient species that moves quickly to defend itself.


japanese carpenter ant table

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