Education Moore Exotics


Java Plum



The fruit is ovoid and oblong. Green fruit is unripe fruit. As it gets older, it turns pink, then glowing crimson red, and finally black. White fruit is produced by a variety of the tree.


Java plum fruits can be eaten fresh, cooked into sauces or jam, and have a sweet or slightly acidic flavor. Fruits can be turned into fruit jelly, salad, sorbet, juice, or syrup.



Fruit in its raw state is mainly composed of water, 16% carbs, 1% protein, and very little fat. The raw fruit contains 60 calories, a modest quantity of vitamin C, and no other significant levels of micronutrients in a 100 g reference amount.


When flowers bloom and fruit sets, it needs dry weather. Early rains help fruits grow, develop, and mature more effectively. Plants that are young are vulnerable to frost. A variety of soil types, including calcareous, saline, sodic, and marshy environments, can support the growth of jamun trees.


java plum table

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