Education Moore Exotics


Jamaican Anole



Scientific name: Anolis garmani   

Life span: 8–12 years

The Jamaican giant anole, Anolis garmani, is a species of anole, a lizard in the family Dactyloidae. It is often referred to as the Jamaican anole or the Jamaica large anole.

The Jamaican giant anole, with adult males having a snout-vent length (SVL) of 10-13.1 cm (3.9-5.2 in) and females 8-9.5 cm, is by far the largest species in the Norops group (3.1–3.7 in). Although it is often green, at night it turns dark brown. The female’s dewlap is tiny and dark in contrast to the male’s orange-centered yellow dewlap.

Native Region/Habitat

Jamaica is the natural home of the Jamaican giant anole. Florida has been exposed to it. Grand Cayman has recently recorded cases, although it’s not clear if it has spread there.


Despite their size, Big Jamaican Anoles should not be handled frequently. They are sensitive and can easily hurt when handled incorrectly. These animals pose no threat to people. Rarely do they bite. When they do, it is not particularly concerning. The majority of bites are very small.

Yet, adults can be aggressively possessive of other males. In the wild, they defend their territory, and they’ll also make an effort to do so in captivity. Males may be nice towards other people, but they frequently aren’t as kind with those who are similar to them. If you intend to adopt multiple girls, it is better to keep groups of them together.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Jamaican Anole


These lizards require at least a 15-gallon tank due to their greater size. Often, bigger is better. You should expand the enclosure if you intend to acquire a herd of lizards. To prevent escape, a tight screen top is essential. Because of the pads on their feet, giant anoles can climb any surface, even glass.

Giant Anoles tan around vegetation in the wild. Thus, you ought to think about supplying a lot of sticks or potted plants. To the bottom of the enclosure, many owners will add natural plants; just make sure they’re safe for your lizard.

Heating (Temperature & Humidity):

Throughout the day, the temperature in your Giant Anole’s tank should be kept between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though it may get colder at night, try to keep the temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

A maximum of 25% of the enclosure should not be warmer than 85 degrees Fahrenheit during their basking period. Employ a heating pad or bulb intended for reptiles. The usage of hot rocks is not advised due to the risk of burns.


All of the water that anoles consume comes from sucking leaves. Plants, whether real or fake, are therefore necessary. To ensure they have plenty of water, mist them twice daily. They might also use a water dispenser that drips slowly and continuously, but this can leave unneeded water puddles behind.

This species has to be fed a variety of insects of different sizes. The two best possibilities are mealworms and wax worms. The prey shouldn’t be larger than 50% of your lizard’s head size.


jamaican anole table

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