Education Moore Exotics


Jackson’s Chameleon



Scientific name: Trioceros jacksonii    

Life span: 5-10 years

Since male Jackson’s chameleons have three brown horns—one on the nose (the rostral horn), one over each superior orbital ridge above the eyes (the preocular horns), somewhat resembling the ceratopsid dinosaur genus Triceratops—they are frequently referred to as three-horned chameleons. Often, females lack horns or just have remnants of the rostral horn (in the subspecies T. j. jacksonii and T. j. merumontanus). Like all chameleons, their coloring is often bright green with hints of blue and yellow in certain individuals. Nevertheless, as with all chameleons, their color can change swiftly depending on their attitude, health, and environment.

Native Region/Habitat

Jackson’s chameleons are found in south-central Kenya and northern Tanzania. Seasonal rainfall exceeds 127 cm (50 in) in certain locations annually. The normal daytime temperature ranges from 16 to 27 °C (61 to 81 °F), and the typical nighttime ranges from 4 to 18 °C (39 to 64 °F). Jackson’s chameleons are more common in Kenya, where they can even be found in some of the suburbs of Nairobi that are wooded.

Jackson's Chameleon


Jackson’s chameleons are laid-back and docile. However, they are solitary, territorial lizards and prefer to live alone. If you buy more than one Jackson’s chameleon, you should keep the lizards in separate tanks. Even if the chameleons don’t fight with one another, they might become ill or die from stress.

You can handle a Jackson’s chameleon, but it’s better not to. Touching or holding a Jackson’s chameleon can cause it distress. Because of this, these lizards are a good choice for people who don’t mind watching but not touching their pets.

Care As a pet/In captivity:


A Jackson’s chameleon’s mature enclosure must be at least 18 x 18 x 36 inches in size. You should give your Jackson’s chameleon extra room if you are able to. The 24 x 24 x 48-inch container is the greatest option for long-term habitation.

Temperature and Humidity:

Jackson’s chameleons require various temperatures in their habitat to simulate day and night. The ideal temperature range during the day is between 70 and 80 °F, with a separate space for basking. The temperature in this area should not get above 85 °F.

Set the nighttime temperature of your enclosure to 60°F. If the natural temperature of your home is 60°F, you can turn off the heat lamp at night. If not, adjust your heating element so that it emits less heat at night.

Jackson’s chameleons are accustomed to high levels of humidity, which can reach 100% during the day and 30% at night. To guarantee that your pets remain content and healthy, encourage this humidity inside the enclosure.


A healthy Jackson’s chameleon needs nutritious food.

Being insectivores, Jackson’s chameleons consume insects like locusts, stick insects, flightless fruit flies, and locusts. For a well-rounded diet, give your chameleon a range of these insects. In addition, you can give your Jackson’s chameleon special treats like mealworms, waxworms, and butterworms. These snacks should only be given once a week due to their high fat content.


jackson's chameleon table

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