Education Moore Exotics


Jack O Lantern

Jack o lantern

Scientific name

 Omphalotus olearius


The jack-o-lantern mushroom is a deadly orange-gilled fungus that, to the unaided observer, resembles some chanterelles. It stands out for having bioluminescent characteristics. These mushrooms are orange in color. It is bioluminescence, which is a blue-green color, and may be seen under low light circumstances in fresh specimens. These mushrooms have distinct characteristics according to which only the gills of the mushroom emit light and the rest of the mushroom is opaque. This occurs as a result of an enzyme known as luciferase working on a substance called luciferin, which causes the release of light similar to that of blazing fireflies.

Jack o lantern.

The cap of the mushroom is 2- 8 inches in width and its stem has a length of 2–8 inches by 0.5- 3.5 inch width. They preferably grow in clusters from wood or buried wood. Their cap is convex initially but turns flat to funnel-shaped or sunken in the center. They have inside rolled edges. The cap is orange-yellow-orange and has a smooth texture. The jack-o-lantern mushrooms have narrow, adennated, and non-branched gills that are also orange to yellow-orange. Their gills also descend to their stem. Their stem is curved and tapered toward the base. The stem color resembles the color of the cap but becomes darker at the base with age the same. Their spore print color is cream in color and has a smooth texture with a round shape.


The jack-o-lantern mushrooms are endemic to Europe and are mostly found in woodland forests, buried roots, decaying wood logs or stumps, and at the base of hardwood. These mushrooms are found growing in enormous clusters near the foot of trees, on stumps, or on buried wood in the summer and fall. Due to their allure and frequent abundance, jack-o’-lantern mushrooms have been responsible for several poisonings.


The jack-o-lantern mushrooms can cause moderate to severe stomach discomfort but are not life threatening. They are also claimed to be bioluminescent since new specimens’ gills occasionally emit a weak green-colored glow at nighttime or in a dimly lit space. This mushroom is said to have medicinal qualities. It has been discovered that certain of its poisonous components are a source of the anticancer drug called irofulven. Although the exact process by which these substances eliminate cancer cells is still unclear, it appears to be distinct from that used by other anticancer medications.


Jack o lantern table

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