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Irish Terrier

Irish Terrier Dog

The Irish Terrier is one of the terrier dog breeds that has its roots in Ireland. The Irish Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds.

Morphological Characteristics

Breed standards define the ideal Irish Terrier as racy, red, and rectangular. Irish Terriers should not be large or hefty despite their intimidating appearance. Rectangular: The Irish Terrier has a very distinctive outline when compared to other terrier breeds. The Irish Terrier has a longer body than the Fox Terrier in proportion, with a tendency toward racy lines but yet plenty of substance. You stand out because of your broad chest. Red wheaten, red, or golden red are the available hues for the Irish Terrier.

As wheaten coats are often of lesser quality, dark red is frequently thought to be the only appropriate color. Like many other solid-colored breeds, a little area of white is allowed on the chest. Nothing else white should be visible. As they age, Irish Terriers’ hair could occasionally become gray.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Irish Terrier


When properly groomed, the Irish Terrier’s coat will protect the dog from the elements. When given proper care, Irish Terriers also don’t shed. Dogs kept as pets (as opposed to show dogs) only need to have their wiry coat stripped once or twice a year. The coat must be manually stripped or stripped with a non-cutting knife in order to preserve its weather-resistant qualities. This is safe for dogs to do when done correctly. On the other hand, maintain firmness over the exposed area, especially where the skin is looser, like on the chest and belly. Never cut the coat; instead, use your fingertips or a non-cutting knife. Trimming the coat causes it to become softer, lose color, and no longer be weatherproof.


If you enjoy being outside and go running or trekking in whatever weather, an Irish terrier will unquestionably make a fantastic game partner. This breed is not one that will enjoy a couple of quick walks to the local park. Give an Irish terrier a regular, vigorous walk that lasts at least 30 minutes. They excel at dog sports like agility and make great canicross partners since they have boundless energy and endurance.

Diet and Nutrition

It’s essential to give your Irish terrier excellent dog food. You should also be aware of the portions you feed your terrier and how many extra treats it receives to prevent it from putting on weight.


Irish terrier table

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