Education Moore Exotics


Iberoformica subrufa

Iberoformica subrufa

One of the two ant species of the genus Iberoformica is the species Iberoformica subrufa. The species, which Roger first described in 1859, is primarily found in mainland Europe.


The species is widespread in its preferred environments. This ant prefers open spaces with lots of sunshine exposure, such as habitats in scrub and forest clearings.

Iberoformica- subrufa

Care Guide

  • Heat Index and Humidity
  • Outer world 20 to 25 degrees; Nest 22 to 24 degrees
  • Outworld 30% to 60% | Nest 45% to 65%
  • Hibernation or Diapause
  • Yes, from October to March.
  • Polymorphic (Yes-minorly) (Yes-minorly)
  • 3mm to 5mm Minor Worker
  • Worker I, Major, 6 to 7 mm
  • They will bite if threatened. They may also spray acid far away.
  • Diet: Make sure there is always a steady supply of fresh water available. Sugars, proteins (insects)
  • In a sand/clay-based soil, Nest Type Natural is advised. With enough airflow, an artificial setup will nevertheless function.
  • 4-6 weeks from development egg to adult worker


iberoformica subrufa table

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