Education Moore Exotics


Hypselodoris tryoni



A species of sea slug belonging to the Chromodorididae family of marine gastropod mollusks called Hypselodoris tryoni. The body of Hypselodoris tryoni is brown, while its foot is white. The upper dorsum and body are covered in purple dots that are surrounded by white or light-brown. The rhinophores are normally brown to dark brown with white lines slicing through them. The gills are typically translucent white or light brown. On the mantle edge, it has a narrow blue or purple line. Between people, there is some colour variation. Although it lacks the broad purple mantle edge line found in Goniobranchus geminus, Goniobranchus kuniei, and Goniobranchus leopardus, Hypselodoris tryoni resembles those species in appearance. Additionally, Goniobranchus species frequently have lower, more rounded bodies.

Geographical Distribution

The Society Islands are where this species was first described. In the tropical Western Pacific Ocean, from Australia to the Philippines, it is said to be widely distributed.



Hypselodoris tryoni, a type of sea slug, is known to engage in a habit known as “trailing,” in which up to four organisms follow one another very closely and frequently touch. The reason behind this conduct is unknown.

Risbecia tryoni consumes sponges, much like many other slugs in the Chromodorididae genus, and has been observed doing so. In what appears to be a sort of commensalism, they are occasionally joined when feeding by a group of Periclimenes imperator prawns.



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