Education Moore Exotics


Hounds Tongue

Hounds Tongue


Hounds tongue is a biennial or short-lived perennial that grows 1 to 4 feet tall stems after starting as a rosette in the first year. It grows a broad, branching, black taproot that is woody. Every part has hair on it. 


The montane zones of Eastern Europe and western Asia are home to the common hound’s tongue. Probably a contamination in grain seed, it was brought to North America.


The medicinal roots of the hound’s tongue plant are utilized for their astringent, healing, sedative, soothing, and mildly narcotic effects.

Hounds Tongue.

Plant Care

  • Soil

Hounds’ Tongue thrives on soil that drains properly. In addition to having a lot of organic matter, such as coco coir, a healthy soil will also have perlite or vermiculite to aid with drainage. Using standard store-bought potting soil combined with a small amount of perlite should work!

  • Water

Hounds’ Tongue should be watered frequently, although it wants the soil to dry out in between applications. Use our water calculator to customize watering schedules for your own location, or download Greg for more detailed advice for every plant in your home.

  • Light

Hounds’ Tongue needs direct, intense, and ample light. If you want to make sure it gets enough light to live, place it less than a foot away from a window. Choose your location to view how the placement in your home is impacted by the local weather at the moment.

  • Fertilizer

Plants utilize the abundance of nutrients found in most potting soils to generate new growth. Your plant will probably have grown to the point where it needs a larger container by the time it has used up all of the nutrients in the soil. Repot your Common Hound’s-Tongue once it doubles in size or once a year, whichever comes first, to restore the nutrients to this plant.


Hounds Tongue table

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