Education Moore Exotics


Honey Gourami Fish

Honey Gourami fish


The greatest size of this species is 5.5 cm (2.2 in).

Physical characteristics and behavior

The bodies of honey gouramis are compressed, slender, and have smaller dorsal and anal fins than those of dwarf gouramis. Threads on the ventral fins are touch-sensitive. The labyrinth organ of this fish immediately takes ambient oxygen into its circulation. With a thin brown line running across the center, it is silvery gray to pale yellow in color. The male develops a honey color when he breeds. Its face, neck, and belly are all covered in a blue-black marking. To care for their young and catch prey, males spit water. Nest bubbles are pushed into the water by water spit, where he can organize them.

As Pet

Honey Gourami fish

  • Water Conditions and Tank Size

The basic minimum tank size for this habitat is ten gallons. They prefer water that is relatively hard (4 to 15 KH), slightly acidic, and warm (between 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit) (6 to 8 pH).

  • Care of Aquariums

The gouramis are resilient fish. It is a popular fallacy that the fish’s labyrinth organ, which allows them to exist in water with little oxygen, negates the need for water changes. This is scarcely the case since these fish will experience the same tissue damage from poisons that have accumulated as other fish do. A minimum of 25% of the water should be changed weekly.

Water Changes: Weekly – It is advised to perform weekly 25% water changes.

  • Setup of an Aquarium

The centre and upper areas of the aquarium are its favorite, yet the Honey Gourami will swim wherever in the tank. They can be placed in smaller aquariums because they are little fish. The water will be more steady, there will be more area for tank mates, and there will be plenty of room for plants in a larger tank. A 5 gallon tank will do for a solitary fish, however a bigger 10 gallon aquarium is advised. They will thrive with about 20 gallons when kept in a couple or group. The tank should be kept in a space that is as close to the tank water’s temperature as possible to avoid injuring the labyrinth organ. The tank’s filtration system must be effective, but it must not generate an excessive amount of current. Since these fish like highly oxygenated waters, air stones are also suggested for them.

On a dark substrate, these gouramis will display their colors the finest. They appreciate an aquarium that is set up so that the shy fish have plenty of places to hide and feel secure. They will become reserved and withdrawn if the tank is overly plainly decorated. These fish enjoy dense foliage that includes some floating plants for cover. But since they frequently breathe air near the surface, it’s necessary to leave some regions clear of vegetation.


honey gourami fish table

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