Education Moore Exotics


Homalomena Red Velvet

Homalomena Red velvet

Homalomena ‘Red Velvet’ is a unique houseplant with purple red stalks and oval, velvety leaves that emerge copper brown and fade to dark green. Aside from being exceedingly gorgeous, this Aroid is also rather laidback, so there is absolutely no reason not to adopt this houseplant!


Allow the top layer of soil to dry between waterings.


Feed once a month in the spring and summer using a regular houseplant feed diluted to half the recommended dosage.

Homalomena Red velvet

Homalomena sp Variegated

If you want an easy-to-care-for houseplant that can handle low light levels, the Homalomena plant is a perfect alternative.

They are recognized for their strong anise odour and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions. You may grow it in your garden or in a container to adorn your home. Homalomena is an evergreen perennial that may reach heights of 3 feet and widths of 2 feet. It has glossy green leaves that are typically variegated with white or yellow.


Homalomena plants prefer indirect light that is mild to bright. They can, however, endure low light conditions and develop, albeit slowly. The plant must be shielded from direct sunshine, which can burn the leaves.


From spring until summer, the plant will benefit from being fed a slow-release organic fertilizer every couple of weeks. There is no need to fertilize the plant throughout the winter months because it is not actively developing.

Humidity and temperature:

Homalomena plants thrive in warm, humid environments. They cannot be exposed to cold temperatures or draughts for an extended period of time. If the temperature in the room where the plant is kept falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit on a frequent basis, it is unlikely to survive. Temperatures between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit are good for these plants.


The Homalomena plant prefers loamy, well-draining soil. A potting mix formulated for tropical plants would be an excellent choice. Use a container with drainage holes to keep the soil wet but not saturated.


Homalomena red velvet table

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